Heat Treat Industry-Dates to Remember
Heat treaters around the world need to keep two dates in mind for 2022. The first is the Furnaces North America exhibition in Indianapolis, Indiana, USA and the second is the HK 22 in Cologne, Germany. FNA is the #1 show in North America for this year and will be the best North American heat treat exhibition in North America since the start of the Pandemic. The second show HK 22 is always the largest and best heat treat exhibition in Europe and this will be the first one since 2019. “The Monty Heat Treat News” enthusiastically endorses both events.
Furnaces North America (FNA), October 3-5th 2022, Indianapolis, IN, USA Home | fna20 (furnacesnorthamerica.com)
HK 22 October 11th-13th, 2022, Cologne, Germany HK AWT : Home (www-hk–si-de.translate.goog)
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