Gruppo T.T.N/Nervianesi, Italy
As a prelude to our visit to furnace builder ECM in Grenoble, France we visited the largest commercial heat treater in Italy, Gruppo T.T.N., headquartered in Nervianesi, Italy (near Milano). The family owned group consists of 9 locations, all in northern Italy with a total of 500 employees making them one of the larger commercial heat treaters in the world. Next week we have a complete write up about the company but to start off we have these photos. In the first we see part of the T.T.N Team along with part of the ECM team in front of a 6 chamber ECM vacuum carburizing system which has been running very successfully for a number of years. In the second picture we see something truly remarkable in the heat treating world-some of the largest pit gas nitriders in the world. The pit for these furnaces measures a remarkable 25 meters (75’) deep and as you can see while the current furnaces are enormous the company has built for the future in constructing this pit. Next week we will tell you how the company worked closely with Boeing to heat treat components for some of the largest rockets ever produced by NASA.