Gruppo T.T.N./Italy-Largest Pit Nitriders in the World?

Since are incorporation in 1969 WG Montgomery Ltd., (The Monty Heat Treat News) has accumulated 1000’s of photos of various captive and commercial heat treaters around the world. Today we are reaching into our archives to find one of the most memorable locations we have been lucky enough to visit, Gruppo T.T.N. in Northern Italy (the notes below date back to 2019 when “The Monty Heat Treat News” team had the chance to visit, our summary is below). While there are many things about Gruppo T.T.N. that stick in our minds far and away the most remarkable was the pit nitrider installation shown in these photos. The sheer size of the furnaces and the size of the pit required was truly impressive, why the pit is actually larger than the one at the old Bodycote, Melrose Park, Illinois facility.

“January 2019; Gruppo T.T.N./Italy. Last week we had the chance to visit commercial heat treater Gruppo T.T.N., at their headquarters in Nerviano, Italy which proved to be a rather interesting experience. The family owned group consists of 9 locations, all in northern Italy with a total of 500 employees-now 9 plants and 500 employees would rank the company as one of the largest commercial heat treaters in Europe and even the world for that matter.  As far as we can tell there are no processes the company does not have-Induction, Vacuum, Salt, Gas & Plasma Nitriding, annealing, Quench & Temper, Vacuum Carburizing-there is literally not a process we can think of that the company does not have. The only common denominator would appear to be that the company focuses mainly on large parts, however since they also have belt furnaces even this statement is not entirely true. In the lobby there is a rather interesting photo and certificate dating back about 15 years. The certificate of achievement is from Boeing and emphasizes the company’s contributions to the Nasa Space missions when they heat treated components for fuel tanks for rockets, a contribution which required a Boeing team to be on site for 6 months. Mr. Pirovano who founded the company back in 1978 and who is still very active turned out to be a very friendly and open fellow who allowed us to take photos of the entire plant-some of the results of which you can see below and are far more interesting than our scribblings.”

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