Furnaces North America to See Record Breaking Attendance?
Furnaces North America (FNA 2022), the largest North American heat treating event of 2022 is being held next week, October 3-5th in Indianapolis, Indiana, USA. According to a press release we received from the organizers, MTI (Metal Treating Institute) pre show attendance has now exceeded, 1,000 total attendees which is expected to increase to over 1,200 (this includes both visitors and exhibitors). Out of idle curiosity we asked a long time exhibitor whether this attendance figure was good, bad or indifferent-his response was that he believed the previous record was back in 2018 when attendance was roughly 750 individuals. If this is the case this would represent a stunning record which would be no surprise as so many shows have been cancelled over the past 2 years. “The Monty Heat Treat News” looks forward to seeing you at this event.
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