Furnace Builders IVA/Schmetz to Consolidate and Relocate
In Germany we see that furnace builders IVA & Schmetz will be combining their two locations into one and at the same time expanding their capacities as you can see in this press release. To provide some more background to this story we also include a press release the company did in 2019 telling us about how the companies had new ownership. Schmetz is a very well known manufacturer of vacuum furnaces (at least in Europe) and on a regular basis we run across their furnaces. We took the one photo below a couple of years back at a commercial heat treater in Germany by the name of Werz located in the town of Harthausen. In the picture you see a row of Schmetz vacuum furnaces.
“IVA Schmetz GmbH sets itself up for the future; We are expanding our headquarters, enlarging our capacities and relocating our Dortmund office including all employees and machinery to Menden, Germany. All departments including production of IVA atmosphere furnaces and Schmetz vacuum furnaces will be located at one site in the future. With our four well-known and renowned brands IVA, Schmetz, Mahler and BMI we offer new systems as well as service, spare parts and modernization for existing systems worldwide.”
“July 17 2019 PRESS RELEASE; Tenova Sold the HTC Group to Ningbo Qijing Castellanza, July 17, 2019 – Tenova – a company of the Techint Group specialized in innovative solutions for the metals and mining industries – today has positively concluded the selling process of the HTC Group, which includes four companies – IVA Schmetz (Germany), Mahler (Germany), Fours Industriels B.M.I. (France) and IVA Schmetz Industrial Furnaces (Shanghai).”
The purchasers are Qizhi GmbH and Shanghai Qizhi Information Technologies Co., Ltd. (both members of Ningbo Qijing Holding Co., Ltd.). Ningbo Qijing is also the parent company of Qijing Machinery Co. Ltd., a company specialized in the research, development manufacturing and assembling of mechanic systems and precision parts mainly operating in the home electric appliance field and industrial application filed (in particular automotive, power tools and hydraulics).”
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