Furnace Builder “Ion Heat” Enters Mesh Belt Furnace Industry
Furnace builder “Ion Heat” who is best known as offering one of the most advanced, cost competitive Ion Nitriding systems around the globe has recently expanded their product offerings to include mesh belt furnace lines. This press release tells the story;
“Ion Heat is working on an order for a full mesh belt line for carburizing and hardening of small assembly screws. Although, this is a new product for Ion Heat, the company and the engineering team are accustomed to take on new challenges.
The line includes an electrically heated endogas generator, 2 continuous washing machines, a gas fired mesh belt carburizing furnace, a gas fired tempering furnace and the weighing and transferring stations.
The engineering phase of the Project has been completed and procurement of components and manufacturing has started.
Even though the new line is a fairly small line for mesh belt furnace standards, it remains a high tech piece of equipment and will be able to process up to 250kg/h of carburized screws. The line is fully automatic and will be controlled from a centralized control station, all with the automation signature of Ion Heat.
Ion Heat is also now working on “White label manufacturing” of furnaces.
That is, Ion Heat has the engineering and manufacturing resources to collaborate with furnace manufacturers to design, or design and manufacture or just manufacture products under their brand name. By being located in a free trade zone, Ion Heat usually purchases components for their technology all around the world, and the import export process is expedited and tax free. Ion Heat is an excellent partner for furnace companies wanting to join forces for the engineering and manufacturing of their products.”
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