Furnace Builder Expanding USA Manufacturing Location

“As part of its strategy to better serve its North American customers, the SECO/WARWICK Group, the parent company of SECO/VACUUM and SECO/WARWICK USA, has committed to expanding its manufacturing capacity in Meadville, Pennsylvania by relocating a portion of its manufacturing and a metallurgical lab for vacuum furnaces from its headquarters site in Poland to Crawford County.
In support of this expansion, the Commonwealth of Pennsylvania has awarded SECO/VACUUM and SECO/WARWICK USA a $2 million package of matching fund grants from the Department of Community and Economic Development (DCED) through its Redevelopment Assistance Capital Program (RACP). The primary use and intent of RACP funds is for reimbursement of eligible construction costs which SECO/WARWICK Group companies will match on a 1:1 basis.
The Commonwealth will also provide an additional $69 thousand in matching funds for job training through the Workforce & Economic Development Network (WEDnet).
SECO/VACUUM manufactures heat-treating furnaces specialized for heat-treatment processes that must be conducted inside a vacuum chamber to prevent contamination from atmospheric gases. SECO/WARWICK USA manufactures atmosphere heat treatment furnaces, aluminum melting furnaces and controlled aluminum brazing (CAB) furnaces.
The 120,000-sq ft. facility expansion will benefit the community as well as the heat-treatment equipment manufacturer’s customers. The company will begin upfitting their now-empty factory floor in the Crawford Business Park, which itself was recently redeveloped from the long-abandoned American Viscose Corporation’s synthetic textile mill in Meadville, PA. At its peak in the 1950s the mill employed nearly half of Meadville. After many decades of operation, the mill closed in 1986. Beginning in 1989 the Crawford County Redevelopment Authority, the predecessor to today’s Economic Progress Alliance of Crawford County (EPACC), invested in cleaning, remodeling, and subdividing the million-square-foot plant into more than 50 smaller commercial and industrial spaces.”
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