French Heat Treater Adds New Vacuum Furnace

We move to France today where we see that the second largest commercial heat treater in the country, Thermi-Lyon Groupe is adding an Ipsen 1200 kg capacity vacuum furnace to one of their locations. The Sales Manager for Thermi-Lyon,  Mr. Bernard Salvi had this to say to “The Monty Heat Treat News“; “Despite the Covid pandemic and the ongoing chip shortage business is not bad, as a matter of fact it is pretty good. Here at Thermi-Lyon we work with a number of different industries and while some of them are slower than normal, others continue to grow. Because of this we added a new vacuum furnace to our Thermi-Picardie location (Paris area).”

Thermi-Lyon has 8 facilities in Europe with almost 200 employees. Further details can be found at If you would like to know more about the company we would suggest referencing our interview with Bernard which we did shortly before COVID ht. This can be found at


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