Frank Theisen Promoted to Managing Director of Furnace Controls Company Stange Elektronik

For over 20 years Frank Theisen has worked with German furnace controls company Stange Elektronik in a variety of positions, most recently that of Sales Manager. Congratulations to Frank as he just achieved the top position, that of Geschäftsführer / Managing Director with the company. In Europe the company is one of the largest in the furnace controls industry, in North America they are not as well known although Don Longenette of A+ Heat Treating Services, LLC in the Cleveland area was recently hired to be the North American rep. Frank is a good man and we are pleased to see his years of hard work has been recognized. From our file photos comes this picture of Frank taken at a heat treat congress in Germany a few years back. He is flanked by Florian Elwart of Bodycote on the right and Harold Roth of KGO on the left.

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