Ferronite Metal Treatment India Moves Into New Building
“Ferronite Metal Treatment India Pvt Ltd, a leading heating, gas nitriding and poly aimed coating company has opened its new state-of-the-art plant in Chakan Industrial Park, India. CEO Nilesh Pendharkar of Ferronite Metal Treatment India Pvt Ltd, said that the company has been serving customers across in the Electrical, Defence, Oil and Gas, Off Road equipment and Automotive industries for over 20 years. With increasing customer demands and expectations a new larger facility was needed. “The current portfolio includes Commercial Heat Treatment. We are specialised in Gas Nitriding and Poly Aimed (PA11) Coating. We also have patent rights for Nitriding, Nitro Carburising and Oxidation process. “The new plant is spread across an area of 24000 sq ft with an investment of 10 crore rupees which includes a new 1 ton Nitriding Furnace and a 1.5-ton Case Carburising Furnace. This will increase the capacity from 3 tonnes per day to 8 tonnes per day . The new plant will also add on services like liquid nitriding and Case Carburising and Hardening.”