Fascinating Heat Treats-Stack Metallurgical Group
On a regular basis “The Monty Heat Treat News” looks closely at some of the most interesting in house and commercial heat treaters from around the world-our photos are drawn from our 50 plus years of being involved in the global heat treatment industry. Today we look at a very impressive commercial heat treat based in Portland, Oregon, USA-Stack Metallurgical Group with 4 locations in Portland, Oregon, Albany, Oregon, Salt Lake City, UT and Spokane, WA. Home – Stack Metallurgical Group
Founded in 1946 Stack is owned and operated by the Ederer family with Doug Puerta as CEO (as an interesting little footnote Doug’s father Ralph owns Vacu-Braze in PA, which is where Doug got his start in the heat treating industry). “The Monty Heat Treat News” has had the opportunity to visit Stack several times over the years and have always been impressed that the company is willing to make substantial investments in new equipment and technologies if the ROI appears to make sense. Case in point is the fact that in early 2020 Stack opened a new facility in Albany, Oregon dedicated to “Hot Isostatic Pressing”-one of these photos shows the grand opening.
One of our favorite photos of Stack shows another major investment made not that long ago-two very substantial bottom loading vacuum furnace, all experienced vacuum heat treaters will realize that this was a multi-million dollar project.
The US Northwest is an area with a very wide variety of industries, aerospace, medical, high end knife and cutlery markets all have a substantial presence which means carburizing and brazing are also part of Stack’s portfolio. Some of our other photos show the batch IQ department and mesh belt brazing furnaces.
No news item from “The Monty Heat Treat News” would be complete without a bit of a “teaser” so we will share with you that we are expecting some photos this week of a very ambitious project which Stack recently started-stay tuned.
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