ECM Installing Vacuum Carburizing System in Italy
Furnace builder ECM based in Grenoble, France is in the process of installing a new vacuum carburizing system at a commercial heat treater in Verdello, Italy. HAERTHA Hardening Industries Locations – Härterei HÄRTHA GROUP ( has 10 locations around Europe which include facilities in Germany, Italy and the Netherlands. “The Monty Heat Treat News” has been lucky enough to visit several of their facilities and each that we have seen has been clean and modern with new thermal treatment technologies including nitriding and vacuum hardening. As far as we know this is the company’s first foray into vacuum carburizing. In 2019 “The Monty Heat Treat News” included the firm as one of the largest commercial heat treaters in Europe Largest European Commercial Heat Treaters | The Monty
About ECM; ECM headquartered in Grenoble, France is one of the world’s largest new furnace builders and while the company is possibly best known for vacuum carburizing their product range is vast and growing. Earlier this year the company reported that they were seeing record breaking sales for 2022. Industrial furnace manufacturer – World leader for LPC | ECM Technologies (
As a bonus we are including this picture of the HAERTHA facility in Weissenburg, Germany.
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