Defence Company Orders Vacuum Titanium Casting Furnace

“Rafael Advanced Defense Systems, an Israeli pioneer in defense and cybernetic solutions, has purchased a vacuum titanium casting furnace from SECO/WARWICK for UPC Precision Castings. This is the first furnace of this type on the Israeli market. The technology solution (ALLOY VIM 40kg-400kW) is a single-chamber furnace, equipped with a hot (ceramic) and cold (copper, for CWI processes) crucible. In the first, ceramic crucible, melting processes of up to 40 kilograms of super alloys, mainly nickel-based, can be carried out. The copper crucible melts 10 kg of titanium at a time. The Alloy VIM furnace has a three-stage vacuum system, is equipped with a mechanical, Roots and diffusion pumps. The system allows the furnace to obtain high vacuum in the range of 10-5 mbar. The solution is also equipped with a mold heater. The entire project has been planned so that it can be equipped with additional accessories in the future. The solution has stub pipes where additional furnace equipment, such as an alloy additive feeder, can be installed in the future. It is undoubtedly a very versatile and efficient solution. 

“This is the second vacuum metallurgy solution that we have delivered to Israel. However, this has been the first time a furnace for titanium castings has been supplied to this country. We are proud to be able to introduce innovative, pioneering solutions in this unique and highly growing market. Vacuum melting and casting processes are extremely technologically advanced. They require high precision of individual element execution and process design so that it proceeds in an optimal manner using the unique system advantages. Titanium alloy melting furnaces are mainly used by the aviation, defense, and energy industries,” said Sławomir Woźniak, President of SECO/WARWICK Group.”

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