Commercial Heat Treating-“A Tale of 2 Cities”

To quote the famous author “Charles Dickens” commercial heat treating in North America is truly “a tale of 2 cities these days”. While the vast bulk of commercial heat treaters in North America are doing OK-not great not bad there are extremes on either end, lets look at some examples, examples that we will expand upon in the very near future.
Down Texas way we understand that a commercial heat treater is finding business to be quite good, so good in fact that the company is planning on additional capacity as well as adding another location with a new process-more on this very shortly.
In the Midwest we are chasing down a rumor about a commercial heat treat firm which has supposedly closed down. While we believe this rumor to be true we are looking for more confirmation (for an example of a “Monty” rumor which proved correct look no forward than just last week; “The Monty Rumor Proves Correct”). The company in question was at one time on our list of the 50 Largest Commercial Heat Treaters in North America.
And lastly, we know of another average sized commercial heat treater in North America which is in the process of closing down, with some of the equipment already sold off with the rest on the used market (all of which by the way is listed under our Used Equipment Section). This closing by the way has nothing to do with business conditions, rather a change of direction by the ownership of the company.
So, the message is that commercial heat treating in North America is healthy but not thriving for which we should be grateful when compared to heat treating in Europe-our next news item for today.