Commercial Heat Treating-A Family Affair

It is estimated that there are several hundred commercial heat treaters in North America, probably at least half of these are small and medium sized family owned and run businesses-such is Cambridge Heat Treat in Cambridge, Ontario, Canada.  Founded in 1982 by Bob Robbins, it is now owned and run by brother and sister Peter and Cheryl who are very much “hands on” owners. Again their furnaces are fairly typical for a commercial heat treater; batch IQ furnaces, vacuums furnaces, a nitriding system and several large carbottoms. 

The Monty Heat Treat News” has profiled Cambridge twice in the past, the most recent profile can be found at

Today we have for you these photos taken just last week during a brief visit by Gord Montgomery. In them you can see a very clean, well run shop with our hosts Peter and Cheryl.

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