Commercial Heat Treater Orders Batch IQ Furnace

Commercial heat treater Metex Heat Treating in Mississauga, Ontario, Canada has consistently made the annual list of the 50 Largest Commercial Heat Treaters in North America as ranked by “The Monty Heat Treat News”-find out how they compare at The family owned business is one of the largest in North America for high volume fastener processing, Induction heat treating and has a substantial and growing batch IQ department. Currently the firm has 7 batch IQ furnaces with working dimensions of either 36″ X 48″ X 36″ or 36″ X 72″ X 36″ all provided by either Surface Combustion or AFC-Holcroft.

Very recently Metex placed an order for what will be their 8th batch IQ furnace, this unit will be gas fired with working dimensions of 36″ X 72″ X 36″ and will be provided by AFC-Holcroft. Delivery and installation is expected for late 2023. To find our more about Metex we would suggest watching a “Heat Treat Podcast” provided by “The Monty Heat Treat News” in 2022. In this podcast our host Mr. Carlos Torres speaks with the President and CEO Mr. Raman Bawa about heat treating fasteners.

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