CIEFFE Industrial Furnaces Rumor
Shortly before Christmas we posted this rumor about Italy’s largest furnace builder CIEFFE Industrial furnaces (our original story is below). The long and short of it is that yes this rumor proved to be correct and we will have more details about this and CIEFFE in the near future. In the meantime we leave you with this photo of the CIEFFE team and HK18 in Cologne, Germany October of 2018.
December 2018; CIEFFE Industrial Furnaces, Italy; We have run across a very interesting rumor about Italian furnace builder Rumor has it that the company has just landed a multi million dollar order from an international manufacturer for one of their facilities in China. The rumour goes on to say that the order includes multiple sealed quench furnaces (Batch IQ furnaces for our North American readers), tempers, washer and ancillary equipment. The rumor goes on to say that this is a fully automated line and that a local partner near Shanghai will be co operating on the project. While this remains a rumour we have little reason to doubt that it is true. CIEFFE is the largest new furnace builder in Italy and one of the larger ones in Europe and is a company which has gone through a number of changes at the management level in the past couple of years. However obviously customers feel comfortable that any issues have been resolved. We`re hoping to confirm this rumour in the very near future.