Chinese Heat Treater Expands

While “The Monty Heat Treat News” hasn’t posted any items about the growing heat treatment market in China we do keep in touch with a number of individuals heavily involved in that market including Mr. Byron Stewart. Bryon is an Australian fellow who followed in his father’s footsteps, Tom Guler who formed a furnace building company in Australia many years ago by the name of “Guler Technologies”. Unfortunately Tom passed away some time ago but Byron has kept the legacy going by building furnaces in China for both the domestic and international markets. Here he informs us of a project he has been working on for Pingsheng Heat Treatment Co. Ltd., in Jiashan, China. In addition he is working on projects in Switzerland and Portugal for which we hope we can give you some details.

“Gord, for the past couple of years I have been working with Pingsheng Heat Treatment Co. Ltd., in Jiashan, China a growing commercial heat treater. Recently we installed a sealed quench (batch IQ) furnace line which includes 6 electrically heated hardening furnaces with oil quenching, nitrogen/methanol atmospheres, working dimensions of 910mm x 1220mm x 910mm (36 x 48 X 36) and a weight capacity of 1500kg (3500 pounds), The furnaces are capable of a number of processed including carburizing and nitrocarburizing. A Siemens PLC controls the equipment which included tempers and washers. These photos show the installation prior to start up. We are very pleased with the way the installation was handled as it ended up being on time and on budget.”

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