Certified Heat Treating/Springfield, Ohio, USA
Certified Heat Treating of Springfield, Ohio, USA was acquired by Thermal Process Holdings on January 2, 2018 and was the second commercial heat treater to fall under the Thermal Process Holdings banner, the first being Diamond Heat Treat of Rockford, Illinois, USA. Calvert Street Capital Partners, Mr. John Hubbard of Bodycote fame, Lewis Lance, Don Longenette and team who form Thermal Process Holdings have been very clear that their goal is a commercial heat treat organization with annual sales of $100 million USD (their vision can be found here https://www.heattreating.com/news/) After the firm’s most recent acquisition, P&L Heat Treating in Youngstown, Ohio we at “The Monty” felt it was time to visit both P&L (who we spoke about last week) and Certified which we visited just this past week. Certified (General Manager, Don Longenette) we would describe as an average sized, full service commercial heat treat operation-the full service description is due to the fact that the company offers vacuum, induction and Batch IQ processing. The batch IQ department has several very substantial furnaces with load capacities up to 6,000 pound each which are a mixture of AFC-Holcroft and Surface Combustion units. It was glaringly obvious to us that there have been substantial changes at the company and that there is a very clear vision at play here-a vision which includes substantial new investments and improvements. You can see for yourself what the company and the team look like in these photos.

Don Longenette, Mike Trimble

Don Longenette, Mike Trimble

Mike Trimble, 45 years with Certified-very impressive! Gord Montgomery