Captive Heat Treater Auctions Off Heat Treat Equipment-What Did it Sell For?
February 14th of this year we had a news item about captive heat treater Apex Tool Group in Sumter, SC auctioning off their in house heat treatment department. We speculated on the value of the equipment, specifically an old Ajax Austemper line which we suggested was probably only worth scrap value-well we were off by $250.00 USD.
The auction has been completed and we can now tell you what the heat treat items sold for, in some cases prices were shockingly low. Granted the equipment was only in fair shape however it was all operational so we are puzzled as to why as an example a Surface washer would sell for only $25.00. Here is the summary (all prices in US funds).
- Surface Combustion 36x48x36” Batch IQ -$10,250
- Ajax Austemper Line – $250
- Surface Temper – $4000
- Other Tempers (Sunbeam, Lindberg) – $300 to $1300
- Surface Washer 36x48x36” – $25
- Wheelabrators – $100 ea
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