Can Eng Hires Very Experienced Field Service Engineer

The Monty Heat Treat News” is very pleased to mention a new hire by furnace builder Can Eng mainly because we have known the individual involved for many years and have always had a high opinion of him, but first some background. Based in Niagara Falls, Canada, Can Eng is a very well known name in the heat treatment industry mainly for their mesh belt furnace equipment and aluminum processing systems. Monday marked the very first day for their new Field Service Engineer, Mr. Daniel Breitkreuz. If you don’t recognize the name, Daniel worked for H & S Heat Treating in Port Robinson, Ontario for many years, the past few as Maintenance Manager. As such the paths of Daniel and “The Monty Heat Treat News” have been crossing for years which is where we came to admire his knowledge of furnaces.

Incidentally Field Service Engineers are very difficult to find as the job requires an individual with a great deal of knowledge as well as somebody that enjoys spending his life travelling. Read more about this and other positions in the industry at

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