Bodycote Remains Globe’s Largest Heat Treater
“The Monty Heat Treat News” has completed their 26th annual list North Americas largest commercial heat treaters-the 2022 ranking can be found at 50 Largest Commercial Heat Treats in North America | The Monty. It is no surprise to anybody that UK based Bodycote remains the largest in North America by a wide margin and we can add that they are also still the largest on the planet.
The North American history of Bodycote makes for interesting reading. While the company entered the US market in the 1990’s it was really two acquisitions which lead to the company becoming the largest in its field in North America. The first was September of 1996
when the company acquired the seven Hinderliter Heat Treating plants in the USA and Canada. John Hubbard (owner of Hinderliter) who became CEO in 2002, also joined Bodycote as part of this acquisition.
The second major step in the evolution of Bodycote North American occurred in 2001 when the Company bought Lindberg Corporation, the largest heat treatment business in the USA at the time. Critics suggested that Bodycote overpaid for Lindberg, while this is quite possibly true it did lead to the company becoming the giant that it now is.
The attached photo shows the Bodycote, Derby, UK facility which is located on the premises of Rolls Royce. “The Monty Heat Treat News” has had the privilege of seeing this location twice over the years the last time just a few months ago. We can attest to the fact that it is a top notch location.
“Without a shadow of a doubt UK based Bodycote is the largest North American commercial heat treater and indeed the largest globally. Want to know exactly what the company’s sales are? As a publicly traded company their financial results are easily found at
For the purposes of this report we are only looking at Bodycote’s North American sales and operations. The company reported 2021 sales in North American to be $300 million USD, with 72 plants in the USA, 3 in Canada and 4 in Mexico. We are not privy to anticipated sales in 2022, however we would assume there will be an increase in line with what most other commercial heat treaters are seeing.”
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