Batch IQ Furnace Temperature Uniformity Survey
From Aerospace Testing & Pyrometry, Inc., we have these interesting comments about a recent temperature uniformity survey the company did on a new batch IQ installation.
“Aerospace Testing & Pyrometry, Inc. had the honor and pleasure to provide an initial temperature uniformity survey on the first McLaughlin Tru-Carb furnace that was installed at the new Bodycote facility in Syracuse, NY. The qualified work zone dimensions were 48″L x 36″W x 36″H with a +/-15F tolerance from 1050F to 1800F. This furnace out performed these expectations. At 1050F, overall uniformity was -7.5F to +6.4F, at 1400F, -3.4F to +7.3, and at 1800F, -4.7 to +8.9, well within the clients requirement of +/-15F. Many kudos to McLaughlin Furnace Group on building a great piece of thermal processing equipment. I’m sure Bodycote will enjoy this furnace for years to come.”
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