Aerobraze Receives Order From USAF

This press release caught our attention as Wall Colmonoy is well known to offer vacuum brazing in all of their facilities and indeed hosts a seminar on vacuum brazing every year.

“The United States Air Force has awarded Wall Colmonoy Aerobraze Engineered Technologies Oklahoma City a five-year contract for the remanufacture of F-15 fighter aircraft fin and plate heat exchangers at the Mountain Home Air Force Base. The Idaho base has a long history dating back to World War II and houses the 366th Fighter Group. 

“We are very pleased to have been awarded this competitively bid, multi-year contract. It demonstrates Aerobraze Oklahoma City’s capability to deliver significant cost savings to the United States Air Force (USAF) and Foreign Military Sales (FMS) customers in support of their F-15 primary heat exchangers,” states Brian Martin, Director of Business Development, Aerobraze U.S.

Aerobraze Oklahoma City developed the remanufacture process to support USAF and FMS clients who were seeking repair rather than new part replacement of their F-15 primary heat exchanger. The method includes complete replacement of the heat exchanger core, as well as inspection and testing in accordance with the USAF Technical Order. This is more cost-effective compared to new part replacement. Since 2013, Aerobraze Oklahoma City has manufactured more than 500 F-15 primary heat exchangers.”

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