Additive Manufacturing Firm Now NADCAP Accredited
It has been an interesting journey watching Burloak Technologies, an additive manufacturing firm invest in a brand new captive heat treating department and today we see the final step. The final step being NADCAP Accreditation. The rather breathless report is below and comes from part of the heat treatment team. Congratulations!
“It is done. We have closed everything out. Burloak technologies is now accredited for heat treatment, including titanium, aluminum and steel processing. We also covered heat treatment in vacuum and hot isostatic pressing. Our supplemental slash sheets included Raytheon, Boeing and MDA. We will be proudly flying our PRI flag once we get it! From a building with nothing to a shop with accreditation. The journey has finally paid off. Thank you for your support!”
“March 17, 2021, Burlington; Burloak Technologies Completes In House Heat Treatment Department; We have watched with great interest as Burloak Technologies, an additive manufacturing firm in Burlington, Ontario, Canada has progressed on their state of the art heat treatment department. Today we had the chance to see the facility in person and we have these photos to prove it. These pictures show part of the department and include a Quintus “Hipping” unit (the only commercially available one in Canada by the way) and an Ipsen 2 bar “Titan” vacuum furnace. In this picture you see the team responsible for this impressive feat. From left to right we have; Alex Bast, Hamid Azizi, Paul Tallon, Jason Wright and Gord Montgomery. We are also including a press release the company recently issued about being approved by Boeing.
“January 28, 2021, Burlington; Burloak Technologies, Burlington, Ontario, Canada, a division of Samuel, Son & Co., Ltd., has been approved by The Boeing Company to additively manufacture aluminium AlSi10Mg components to the Boeing BAC 5673 specification. Burloak Technologies states it is the world’s first additive manufacturer to achieve this qualification. Burloak and Boeing are now working to apply the BAC 5673 specification to several programmes for existing and future components. “This approval marks the completion of a qualification process that included a rigorous evaluation of Burloak’s capabilities by Boeing. We would like to thank Boeing’s additive manufacturing team for its collaborative approach,” stated Peter Adams, Burloak’s founder and Chief Innovation Officer. “Together, we developed a well-defined specification that has demonstrated robust, repeatable processes to produce flight components using Additive Manufacturing.”
Colin Osborne, Samuel’s president and Chief Executive Officer, commented, “Achieving this qualification further validates Burloak’s position as a global leader in the Additive Manufacturing space, and clearly demonstrates our ability to commercialise this transformational technology. This milestone also signals the increasing importance of Additive Manufacturing within aerospace and represents a step forward on the path to a greener future for aviation.””
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