50 Largest North American Commercial Heat Treaters-Will Winston Heat Treating Make Our List?

In our continuing hunt to find the 50 largest commercial heat treaters in North America we look at Winston Heat Treating in Dayton, Ohio, USA. Dayton is a family owned and run commercial heat treater which is superbly run by John Reger and his son David who can be seen on the left in this picture. A full service commercial shop the company has always been at the forefront of vacuum heat treating. Whether or not the company makes our list of the largest 50 is really a mute point, Winston is a fine example of a commercial heat treat.

“Since 1967, Winston has been Dayton’s regional leader for providing quality work, dependable service and competitive pricing to the area’s tool & die and automotive industries. Through the years, Winston’s reputation has grown nationally to serve the aerospace, medical, mold-making and food processing industries as well. Winston has led the way in vacuum heat treating and state-of-the-art technology and was one of the first heat treating companies in the country to achieve both its NADCAP and ISO accreditations. In September of 2017, Winston Heat Treating was awarded the Industrial Heating magazine’s “Commercial Heat Treater of the Year” award. Only 21 other companies have previously received this international recognition, which is awarded for demonstrating excellence in one’s pollution/waste prevention, quality programs and community involvement.”

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