50 Largest North American Commercial Heat Treaters-Comments
For 25 years “The Monty Heat Treat News” has been publishing an annual list of the largest commercial heat treaters in North America-the only heat treat publication to do so. This years list can be found at https://themonty.com/project/5
The first has to do with our rankings as opposed to those of Metal Treating Institute (MTI), an organization which consists of many commercial heat treaters in North America. Several commercial heat treaters asked us why they were rated in the 10 largest in North America by MTI but ranked substantially lower than that by “The Monty Heat Treat News”? The answer is simple, while MTI is the largest organization of its type in North America not all commercial heat treaters in North America belong including several of the largest such as Bodycote and Advanced Heat Treat Corp., to name just a couple. We can add that the 5 largest commercials each have annual sales of over $100 million USD.
The second group of comments concerned companies not making our list. While we are very proud of our efforts and consider this list to be the most accurate of its kind we do not claim that every company that should be on the list, actually made the list and this has to do with the fact that most heat treats are privately owned and sales figures are not readily available. Case in point would be Astro Aluminum Treating Company in Southgate, CA, USA https://astroaluminum.com/ Founded in 1967 this is a family owned business with an install base of 18 furnaces located in a 125,000 square foot facility. Do they deserve to be on the list of the 50 Largest? Most likely, however that will have to be a correction for 2022.
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