25 Most Influential People in The North American Heat Treating Industry
Many years ago (in the early 2000’s to be exact) “The Monty” put together a list of the 25 most influential people in the North American Heat Treating Industry-a list which was updated several times in subsequent years. It was a fun little exercise, so much fun in fact that we are in the process of updating our list for which we need your suggestions. The basic criteria to make the list is that the individuals named are in positions to change the course of the captive and heat treating markets in North America either in terms of presenting new technologies, influencing purchasing decisions, deciding what type of heat treating to do or effecting current heat treatment practices. Examples could include pioneers in new forms of heat treatment, the fellow at General Motors who decides which furnaces to buy, CEO’s of major furnace builders or consultants who advise on what equipment should be used. Your suggestions are appreciated and these should be addressed to Jordan Montgomery [email protected] Based upon these suggestions our list will be presented Friday September 13th, 2019.