10 Largest Single Location Captive Heat Treats-North America

For the past several weeks “The Monty Heat Treat News” (with the help of a number of our readers) has been researching the largest single location captive heat treats in North America for our upcoming list of the 10 largest. And how are we deciding which are the largest? The basic criteria includes these points;

  • This will be based upon the total number of furnaces (or cells in the case of vacuum carburizing applications) at each location as opposed to total throughput in terms of pounds.
  • The main criteria is that each be a single location or campus. As an example Schaeffler Bearing ranks amongst the largest overall in terms of the number of furnaces in North America, however they are spread over quite a few different locations such as Stratford, Ontario, Canada, Joplin, MO, USA, Cheraw, SC, USA and Irapuato, Mexico to name a few. Spoiler alert-they will not be on our list for that reason.
  • We want to emphasize that our list only includes captive (in house) heat treats. We have received several suggestions about ALD in Port Huron, Michigan, USA who has a total of 37 vacuum carburizing cells under one roof, however this is a commercial heat treater rather than a captive heat treat and they will not be included on this list.

With this background out of the way we will be presenting our final list Monday January 31, 2022. For today we leave you with photos of two of the companies who will appear on our list, Dana, Cardanes, Mexico and Linamar in Guelph, Ontario, Canada.

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